The Nature of Power
Brian, in turn, has caused me to ponder. The word "collective" really got my attention. What is the role of an individual American in wielding American power? I have absolutely no data to support this next claim, but here it is: I think that most Americans feel pretty divorced from the actions of the government, and especially its foreign policy. Of course there are exceptions. Politicians, lobbyists and activists are obvious ones. But how many of us, our friends, our family, feel they have anything to do with the Farm Bill? With federal budget allocations? With diplomatic relations?
Of course many of us vote, and that's important (though many of us don't!). But it's often an isolated act. And to be perfectly honest, I don't usually feel responsible for the ultimate outcome. I pick the candidate that seems to most closely align with my values and then hope for the best. Or I vote punitively, selecting the opposing candidate, regardless of who it is, in hopes of getting rid of the incumbent. Either way, once the voting is done, many of us return to our lives and shake our heads if the news is bad. Outside of this occasional activity, I suspect most Americans don't feel they have a role in how American power is used in the world.
I've sometimes heard statements like, "We don't have anything against the American people; it's the government (or policy, or administration) we have issues with." I think this statement is meant to make criticism easier to accept, but I wonder if instead it doesn't just further divorce us from our government and policies. "Oh. They're not talking about me! I'm not part of the government. I'll just get back to what I was doing." But is that true? Don't we claim a representative government? Don't we claim it represents its citizens - us? me?
Like Brian, I don't really have answers. If you do, I'd love to hear them - please leave a comment! But I will continue to ponder what it means for an individual American to wield American power outside of a career in politics. Because American power in the world certainly has a role in ending hunger, and if I can wield some of that, I want to.
Labels: power, world hunger

Hey Nancy -
You raise some important questions and concerns. I don't have answers, but as a fellow advocate there is a hopeful/naive part of me that truly believe we can change our nation's policies. As you probably know, it takes a lot of time, energy and hard work, but it happens. Our fast-paced culture of immediate gratification makes it difficult to stay in this work for the long-haul. It's easy to give up on a cause if we don't see immediate results of our efforts. That's why I believe grassroots organizing/advocacy work is so difficult. We are calling people to a long-term commitment.
As Christians, I think we can all agree that we are called to use our life resources to serve God's kingdom. I see my citizenship as one of those resources. Advocacy for people who are poor and hungry is one way that I offer that resource to God. So many of these social movements started in the churches...I think it's a place of powerful transformation and the potential for great change.
Thanks for this post.
great! thanks very much for sharing
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