Skip a Latte. Make some change.
Are you on Facebook? Have you joined our Cause? If not click here:
We have a new goal! Let’s raise $5,000 on Facebook in 2009 as a part of the Change the World: 2009 Lutheran Youth Challenge.
Little changes can have big effects.
Imagine…If we all skipped a latte…
Together we would raise $13,692 (blowing our goal out of the water!)
OR provide…
1,369 weeks of meals for a child orphaned by AIDS in Africa
273 goats to provide fertilizer and milk for families in Kenya
91 hand water pumps in Bolivia
Temporary housing for four U.S. families
ELCA World Hunger staff members will kick off this challenge on Friday, June 19, 2009, by skipping their morning beverage and donating it via the Facebook Cause. Then, we’re asking each of you to join in, donate the cost of your beverage, and then tell us about it! Post it, email it – spread the word!
Skip a latte. Make some change.
Thank you!
Lana Lile
Your Friendly ELCA World Hunger Intern
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