YAGM application deadline March 1
For adults ages 19-29: Applications are now being accepted for the 2009-2010 Young Adults in Global Mission program, a one-year international cross-cultural experience of service learning and leadership open to ELCA members ages 19-29 who are active in their church or campus ministry. Young adults raise a minimum of $4000 towards their support. Participants are placed according to interest, skills, gifts or growth areas in Argentina and Uruguay, Jerusalem/West Bank, Malaysia, Mexico, Slovakia/Hungary, South Africa, and the United Kingdom. Applications submitted by February 15 will get priority attention. The deadline for applications is March 1, 2009. Applications and details about countries and assignments can be found at www.elca.org/globalserve/youngadults.
For all ages: Join the 250 ELCA missionaries now serving in 48 countries! You can explore the basics of global service and find listings of dozens of international positions at www.elca.org/globalserve New mission personnel recruited this winter and spring will receive an orientation in August and begin their service in August/September 2009.
For more information contact the ELCA Global Mission unit at 1-800-638-3522, ext. 2520, or by email at dgmSERVE@elca.org.