Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

Hunger Rumblings

The ELCA World Hunger staff and their associates blog about world hunger, its causes and solutions, and anything else they find relevant.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

1-2-3 Contact!

1-2-3 Contact! Three ways to receive ELCA World Hunger Resources
You are welcome to receive personal copies of the semi-annual ELCA World Hunger Resource Packets and/or the quarterly issues of LifeLines, the ELCA World Hunger newsletter. FYI, in mid-October a single copy of the Winter 2008 - 2009 World Hunger Resource packet will be mailed to all ELCA congregations, synod offices, and resource centers. There are three ways to request World Hunger Resources:
1. Complete the 1-2-3 Contact! form online.
2. Fax or mail a 1-2-3 Contact! form (the fax number and address are on the form). Find a
1-2-3 Contact! form on the back of the cover sheet of World Hunger Resource Packets; a downloadable form is online; you can request copies to distribute by calling 800/328-4648 (AF order number 978-6-0002-2044-0; 1 pkg = 25 forms); or visit http://tinyurl.com/123ContactForm
3. Call 800/638-3522, ext. 2764, for personal assistance.
To receive a sample copy of the current World Hunger Resource Packet and issue of LifeLines, send an e-mail with your postal address to hunger@elca.org or call 800/638-3522, ext. 2764.


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