The ELCA World Hunger staff and their associates blog about world hunger, its causes and solutions, and anything else they find relevant.

In June I had the privilege of traveling to Jordan, Egypt, Israel, and Palestine with a group of folks connected to my congregation, St. Luke’s Lutheran in Park Ridge, Illinois. Carolyn Kees, a former member, was one of our companions on the journey. After visiting Tabgha, on the Sea of Galilee, where the church remembers Jesus feeding the multitude, Carolyn (AKA Grandma Kenna) told me a family story. I asked her to write it down for me. Here’s what she wrote.
Papa Bill and Grandma Kenna were providing care f
or two of their grandchildren, Lindsey and Andrew. Lindsey, about age 4, was eating her dinner, a quesadilla. Lindsey was thoughtful as she tore off pieces of her tortilla. “You know,” she said, “Jesus was talking with a lot of people” (Lindsey paused to reflect.) “And they were hungry.” (She paused to eat a bite or two.) “And a little boy had fish and bread that fed everybody.” After another pause, Lindsey looked up at asked, “I wonder what they had to drink?” Grandma Kenna replied, “They were by a lake.” Lindsey was satisfied with that answer and finished her quesadilla.
Jesus Feeds the 5,000 (Matthew 14:13–21) is the gospel lesson for Sunday, August 3, 2008. You’ll find a suggestion for a children’s message and a “thought prelude” to include in August 3 bulletins on p. 7 of the Pentecost 2008 edition of ELCA World Hunger
Congregation Connections. If you can’t find your copy from the Summer World Hunger Resource Packet, find it online at, request another copy by calling 800/638-3522, ext. 2764, or visit
Request ELCA World Hunger “God’s Math” resources (coin bank and 40-day calendar) by visiting (click on “offerings and gifts” and look for #29 and #30). There's nothing like the loaves and fishes lesson to illustrate that
God's math doesn't just add up, it multiples!
If you’d like to use one of the images seen here, the ancient “loaves and fishes” mosaic from the church at Tabgha and the view of the Sea of Galilee from the same area,
send me an e-mail.Muliplied blessings! Sue
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