Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

Hunger Rumblings

The ELCA World Hunger staff and their associates blog about world hunger, its causes and solutions, and anything else they find relevant.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

The Bellwether Prize

I stumbled across an intriguing book list recently: winners of the Bellwether Prize. I love to read, and one of my favorite authors is Barbara Kingsolver. So when I read that she had founded a prize for literature, I immediately looked it up. Here are the introductory sentences from the Bellwether Prize web site:

"Fiction has a unique capacity to bring difficult issues to a broad readership on a personal level, creating empathy in a reader’s heart for the theoretical stranger. Its capacity for invoking moral and social responsibility is enormous. Throughout history, every movement toward a more peaceful and humane world has begun with those who imagined the possibilities. The Bellwether Prize seeks to support the imagination of humane possibilities."

What a delightful surprise! A list of novels, recommended by a favorite author, that address social justice issues! It's so satisfying when different aspects of one's interests intersect. I am hopeful that some of these books will be another resource for starting conversation and reflection about hunger's root causes.

I admit I haven't read any of the winning books (is it embarrassing to admit I haven't even heard of them?). It's possible that the concept will outshine the reality and I'll regret this blog later. But I'm sure looking forward to finding out!

-Nancy Michaelis

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mary Pipher, psychologist, anthropologist and therapist has written "Writing to Change the World". This book is both practical and inspirational and is of value to all who write to ...evoke social and moral responsibility... even in bulletin announcements and newsletter articles.

Thanks for the heads up on the Bellwether Prize.


May 2, 2008 at 2:24 PM  

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