World Water Day, March 22
I'm writing an ELCA News blog about World Water Day, March 22. Does anyone know of a congregation or two that's planning to acknowledge the day? ... a congregational/youth group activity designed to bring attention to people in our world who lack clean, safe drinking water, etc? Is the activity taking place before, during or after worship? ... perhaps the topic of a sermon? Please let me know as soon as possible. Thanks!
Melissa Ramirez Cooper
Associate Director, ELCA News Service
Hi, Melissa!
The new edition of ELCA World Hunger "Congregation Connections" and the new World Hunger "Reproducible Stories," both at the printer as I type, feature water and justice themes. If any of you would like me to e-mail a story or bulletin-ready piece, just contact me.
This is also a good occasion to remind you to sign up to be a World Hunger contact at and receive the Summer 2008 World Hunger Resource Packet which includes Congregation Connections, Water & Justice reproducible stories, and much more!
Blessings on your head! Sue
Hi, Melissa!
I imagine that a number of ELCA congregations will be conducting baptisms on March 22, since it is the Vigil of Easter this year. The Easter Vigil service is focused on baptism and the believer's baptismal journey with Christ in his death and resurrection, following the tradition of the early church in baptizing converts at the Easter Vigil after catechesis during the season of Lent. The story of the Israelites crossing the Red Sea is read. When the Easter Vigil service is observed with gusto, a lot of water gets thrown about, and a thanksgiving prayer full of water references is prayed.
So, plenty of water connection in the worship on March 22 this year.
Marcus Kunz +

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