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Remember to report your Souper Bowl of Caring totals at and check out this "souper" story!
Pastor Megan from Grace Lutheran (Lexington, Nebraska) writes:
Hi World Hunger Appeal,
We just wrapped up our 2008 Souper Bowl Sunday effort led by our 8 Confirmation youth. They ordered the ELCA World Hunger Appeal change collection boxes, folded them and handed them out last week for people to bring back this week. We had soup pots out and they were overflowing with the little boxes! As of this morning, we received $331.75 to be contributed for the World Hunger Appeal. Most likely we'll receive more throughout the week. Like the loaves and fishes, we hope God will bless our small efforts. Thanks for being God's instrument to multiply all our efforts!
Pastor Megan and I e-mailed back and forth a bit. I asked her for pictures, and she re-created the display above (and yes! their display included the "hunger" issue of The Lutheran). The youth also created "God's math" posters to display around the congregation on Souper Bowl Sunday. Fun!
If you have Souper Bowl stories and pictures, share them by replying to this note, or send them on to Blessings! Sue

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