Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

Hunger Rumblings

The ELCA World Hunger staff and their associates blog about world hunger, its causes and solutions, and anything else they find relevant.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Ballroom dance lessons raises money for ELCA World Hunger Appeal

How fun! Paul E-S found this video on youtube. Check it out!

"About the video" written by the producer :
Pastor Erwin Roux (aka 'PR') is the Pastor at the Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church in Turbotville Pa. He and his wife Beth teach ballroom dancing lessons on selected Friday evenings. These classes were originally started at the Hidlay Parish Lutheran Church in Bloomsburg about 10 years ago. In 2005 when PR relocated to the Church in Turbotville, the classes were continued at the new location.

[===]All proceeds from these dance classes are donated to the Lutheran {ELCA] World Hunger Appeal. So far about $30,000 has been raised and donated since the dance program was started. The Pastor generously pays the operating expenses (printing, postage, and domain registration) out of his own pocket.

http://ParishHouseDance.org - The Church's ballroom dance lessons program http://ELCA.org/hunger - Lutheran World Hunger Appeal
http://Zion-ev-Lutheran.org - Main website for Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church in Turbotville, Pa.

[=====]This iMovie video was assembled 2/14/08 by JamesRobertIngram.com, aka Track2.com .

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